Please Join Us!

January 14th - 15th, 2025
10:00 AM
National Harbor, Maryland, USA

Please Join Us!

NRAO and the ngVLA project invite AAS 245 attendees to two splinter sessions, one on Fundamental Physics and New Messengers and another on The next-generation VLA: Update and Community Forum. Dates, times and locations are pending. Check back for news.

Fundamental Physics and New Messengers

  • Paul Demorest (National Radio Astronomy Observatory), Sgr A* and Its Neighbors: Fundamental Physics with Galactic Center Pulsars
  • Thankful Cromartie (U. S. Naval Research Laboratory), Probing the Extremes of Physical Laws with Pulsars
  • Joe Lazio (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), Ground- and Space-Based Long Baseline Interferometry
  • Jeremy Darling (University of Colorado, Boulder), Gravitational Waves and Cosmology with Extragalactic Astrometry
  • Megan de Cesar (George Mason University), Nanohertz Gravitational Waves and Their Electromagnetic Counterparts

The next-generation VLA: Update and Community Forum

  • Brenda Matthews (National Research Council Canada), Key Science Goals for the Next Generation Very Large Array (ngVLA): Update from the ngVLA Science Advisory Council (2024)
  • Eric Murphy (National Radio Astronomy Observatory), Update on the ngVLA Project
  • Alessandra Corsi (Johns Hopkins University) and Joe Lazio (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), Update on the VLA/VLBA to ngVLA Transition
  • Ample opportunity for audience Q&A