Memo Number |
Title |
Author(s) |
Date |
1 |
Fast Switching Phase Calibration At 3mm at the VLA Site |
C. L. Carilli |
06/01/15 |
2 |
Calibration Strategies for the Next Generation VLA |
B. Clark |
07/16/15 |
3 |
Possible Configurations for the ngVLA |
B. Clark, W. Brisken |
07/31/15 |
4 |
The Concept of a Reference Array for ngVLA |
F. Owen |
09/03/15 |
5 |
Science Working Groups Project Overview |
C. L. Carilli, et al. |
10/23/15 |
6 |
Science Working Group 1: The Cradle of Life |
A. Isella, et al. |
10/23/15 |
7 |
Science Working Group 2: "Galaxy Ecosystems" : The Matter Cycle in and Around Galaxies |
A. K. Leroy, et al. |
10/23/15 |
8 |
Science Working Group 3: Galaxy Assembly through Cosmic Time |
C. M. Casey, et al. |
10/23/15 |
9 |
Science Working Group 4: Time Domain, Fundamental Physics, and Cosmology |
G. C. Bower, et al. |
10/23/15 |
10 |
Considerations for a Water Vapor Radiometer System |
B. Clark |
12/08/15 |
11 |
Imaging Capabilites: Protoplanetary Disks Comparison of ngVLA, JVLA, ALMA |
C. L. Carilli, L. Ricci, P. Barge, B. Clark |
04/08/16 |
12 |
The Strength of the Core |
C. L. Carilli |
10/14/16 |
13 |
Image Capabilities: High Redshift CO |
C. L. Carilli, Y. Shao |
03/13/17 |
14 |
Short Spacing Considerations for the ngVLA |
D. T. Frayer |
06/08/17 |
15 |
Galaxies into the Dark Ages |
C. L. Carilli, E.J. Murphy, A. Ferrara, P. Dayal |
06/08/17 |
16 |
More on Synthesized Beams and Sensitivity |
C. L. Carilli |
06/19/17 |
17 |
ngVLA Reference Design Development & Performance Estimates |
R. Selina, E. Murphy |
07/18/17 |
18 |
Summary of the Science Use Case Analysis |
R. Selina, E. Murphy, A. Erickson |
07/26/17 |
19 |
Key Science Goals for the Next Generation Very Large Array (ngVLA): Report from the ngVLA Science Advisory Council |
ngVLA Science Advisory Council |
08/02/17 |
20 |
Next Generation Low Band Observatory: A Community Study Exploring Low Frequency Options for ngVLA |
G. Taylor, et al. |
08/11/17 |
21 |
ngVLA Sensitivity |
B. Butler, W. Grammer, R. Selina, E. Murphy, C. Carilli |
06/26/19 |
22 |
Sub-Nanosecond Time Accuracy and Frequency Distribution through White Rabbit Ethernet |
C. van Tour, J. C. J. Koelemeij |
09/04/17 |
23 |
Smart Energy Cryo-Refrigerator Technology for the Next Generation Very Large Array |
J. Gardiner, et al. |
09/01/17 |
24 |
Advanced Cryocoolers For Next Generation VLA |
L. R. D'Addario |
09/29/17 |
25 |
Exploration of Suitable Mounts for a 15m Offset Antenna Next Generation Very Large Array NRC 15m Mount |
M. Fleming |
10/23/17 |
26 |
ngVLA Technical Study Offset Gregorian Antenna |
D. Chalmers, G. Lacey, M. Islam, M. Fleming, L. Baker |
10/23/17 |
27 |
Various Suitable Mounts for an 18m Antenna |
M. Fleming, R. Schultz, D. Enterline |
10/30/17 |
28 |
Host Galaxies and Relativistic Ejecta of Compact Binary Mergers in the ngVLA Era |
A. Corsi, et al. |
10/31/17 |
29 |
An Integrated Receiver Concept for the ngVLA |
M. Morgan, S. Wunduke |
11/06/17 |
30 |
ngVLA Dynamic Range |
W. D. Cotton, J. J. Condon |
11/07/17 |
31 |
Quantifying the ngVLA's Contribution to Exo-Space Weather: Results of a Community Studies Report |
R. A. Osten, M. K. Crosley |
11/13/17 |
32 |
ngVLA Community Studies Report: Feed and Receiver Development at NRC Herzberg |
L. Locke, L. B. G. Knee, F. Jiang, V. Reshetov, L. A. Baker |
33 |
Investigating the Early Evolution of Planetary Systems with ALMA and the Next Generation Very Large Array |
L. Ricci, S.-F. Liu, A. Isella, H. Li |
1/5/18 |
34 |
A Dedicated Pulsar Timing Array Telescope (a.k.a. "Pulsar Town") |
Robert Selina, Paul Demorest, Wes Grammer |
05/15/18 |
35 |
Deep Fields at 8GHz |
C. L. Carilli, G. C. Jones, P. Sims |
2/16/18 |
36 |
High-Power, High-Speed Photodiodes |
Joe C. Campbell |
3/5/18 |
37 |
Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in Globular Cluster Systems |
J. M. Wrobel, J. C. A. Miller-Jones, K. E. Nyland, T. J. Maccarone |
3/9/18 |
38 |
Subarray Processing for Projection-Based RFI Mitigation in Radio Astronomical Interferometers |
M. C. Burnett, B. D. Jeffs, R. A. Black, K. F. Warnick |
3/12/18 |
39 |
Thoughts on Transient Discovery |
Vikram Ravi |
3/15/18 |
40 |
Revolutionizing Our Understanding of AGN Feedback and its Importance to Galaxy Evolution in the Era of the Next Generation Very Large Array |
K. Nyland, et al. |
3/15/18 |
41 |
Initial Imaging Tests of the Spiral Configuration |
C. L. Carilli, A. Erickson |
3/21/18 |
42 |
Pulsar Timing Array Requirements for the ngVLA |
S. Chatterjee, NANOGrav Collaboration |
04/02/18 |
43 |
The ngVLA Short Baseline Array |
B. S. Mason, R. Selina, A. Erickson, E. Murphy |
04/18/18 |
44 |
Confusion Limited Surveys with the ngVLA Spiral |
W. D. Cotton, J. J. Condon |
04/13/18 |
45 |
Polarization Calibration with Linearly Polarized Feeds |
Barry Clark |
04/19/18 |
46 |
Ionized Gas in Globular Cluster Systems |
J. M. Wrobel, K. E. Johnson |
05/01/18 |
47 |
Resolution and Sensitivity of ngVLA-RevB |
C. L. Carilli |
05/23/18 |
48 |
ngVLA Radio Frequency Interference Forecast |
A. Erickson |
07/01/18 |
49 |
Snapshot UV Coverage of the ngVLA: An Alternate Configuration |
R. Craig Walker |
07/05/18 |
50 |
Imaging Cold Gas to 1 kpc Scales in High-Redshift Galaxies with the ngVLA |
Caitlin M. Casey, Desika Narayanan, Chris Carilli, Jaclyn Champagne, Chao-Ling Hung, Romeel Davé, Roberto Decarli, Eric J. Murphy, Gergo Popping, Dominik Riechers, Rachel S. Somerville, Fabian Walter |
08/24/18 |
51 |
Taking a Census of Supermassive Binary Black Holes |
Karishma Bansal & Greg Taylor |
10/05/18 |
52 |
The 2018 Eruption of Nova V392 Per: A Case Study of the Need for ngVLA |
Justin D. Linford, Joe S. Bright, Laura Chomiuk, Alexander J. van der Horst, & Rob P. Fender |
11/20/18 |
53 |
Revealing the Galactic Population of Black Holes with the ngVLA |
Thomas J. Maccarone, Laura Chomiuk, Jay Strader, James Miller-Jones, Greg Sivakoff |
11/26/18 |
54 |
Short Spacing Issues for Mapping Extended Emission: Milky Way Case Study |
J. A. Turner, P. Teuben, D. A. Dale |
01/09/19 |
55 |
Taperability Study for the ngVLA and Performance Estimates |
Viviana Rosero |
01/31/19 |
56 |
Radio Frequency Interference Cancellation, Appraisal, Detection, and Correction |
M. J. Lambert, B. Jeffs |
02/01/19 |
57 |
Imaging the Distribution of Solids in Planet-Forming Disks Undergoing Hydrodynamical Instabilities with the Next Generation Very Large Array |
L. Ricci, M. Flock, D. Blanco, W. Lyra |
02/05/19 |
58 |
μas Astrometry with the ngVLA |
Carl Melis |
03/01/19 |
59 |
QAC: Quick Array Combinations with CASA |
P. Teuben |
03/25/19 |
60 |
Image Dynamic Range Limits Arising from Visibility Errors |
C. A. Hales |
02/21/19 |
61 |
Temporal and Spatial Tropospheric Phase Fluctuations at the VLA (and Beyond) and Implications for Phase Calibration |
C. A. Hales |
03/07/19 |
62 |
Reserved |
63 |
Reserved |
64 |
High Dynamic Range Imaging |
C. L. Carilli |
04/29/19 |
65 |
Sculpting of the Synthesized Beam and Image Fidelity Study of KSG 1: Imaging of Protoplanetary Disks |
V. Rosero |
05/17/19 |
66 |
Exploring Regularized Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction for Stellar Imaging with the ngVLA (Supplemental Material) |
K. Akiyama & L. D. Matthews |
09/30/19 |
67 |
Demonstration & Analysis of ngVLA core + Short Baseline Array Extended Structure Imaging (V2) |
B. Mason |
1/08/21 |
68 |
Imaging the Dusty Substructures Due to Terrestrial Planets in Planet-forming Disks with the Next Generation Very Large Array |
S. K. Harter, L. Ricci, S. Zhang, Z. Zhu |
11/12/19 |
69 |
Remote Service Station Study |
K. Renda, M. Luce, A. Erickson |
12/06/19 |
70 |
RFI Mitigation for the ngVLA : A Cost-Benefit Analysis |
Urvashi Rau, Rob Selina, Alan Erickson |
12/10/19 |
71 |
RFI Mitigation in the ngVLA System Architecture |
Rob Selina, Urvashi Rau, Rafael Hiriart, Alan Erickson |
02/06/20 |
72 |
A Study of ngVLA Subarray Efficiency: Plains + Fractions of the Core |
V. Rosero |
01/15/20 |
73 |
Preliminary ngVLA Observing Band Availability Estimate |
Bryan J. Butler |
01/31/20 |
74 |
Channel Weights for the VLA CWVRs |
Bryan J. Butler |
04/20/20 |
75 |
Image Corruption From Antenna Pointing Errors: Simulation Results (and Useful Teaching Tool) |
Christopher A. Hales |
04/24/20 |
76 |
Subarray Selection for the Reference Observing Program |
Viviana Rosero |
06/01/20 |
77 |
Fast Transients with the ngVLA |
C.L. Carilli, K. P. Mooley, E. Jiménez-Andrade, E. Murphy |
06/09/20 |
78 |
High Resolution, Wide Field, Narrow Band, Snapshot Imaging |
C. L. Carilli, E. Murphy, V. Rosero, K. Mooley, E. Jiménez-Andrade, K. Golap, B. Butler |
06/15/20 |
79 |
Synthesis of Optimal Estimators for Water Vapor Radiometry |
N. Towne |
06/17/20 |
80 |
Quasar Wind SZ imaging with the ngVLA |
C. L. Carilli, M. Lacy. B. Mason, A. Chakraborty, S. Chatterjee |
07/08/20 |
81 |
VLA Limits on Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in 19 Massive Globular Clusters |
J. M. Wrobel, K. E. Nyland |
07/23/20 |
82 |
Configuration: Reference Design RevC.01 Description |
C. Carilli, J. Carilli, A. Erickson, E. Murphy, B. Mason, V. Rosero, B. Butler |
08/28/20 |
83 |
Imaging Cold Gas in High-Redshift Galaxies with the ngVLA |
Desika Narayanan, Eric F. Jiménez-Andrade, Eric Murphy, Qi Li, Viviana Rosero |
09/17/20 |
84 |
The NGVLA Long Baseline Array: Configuration Suggestions |
R. Craig Walker |
10/04/20 |
85 |
Comparison of Alternative Configurations for the ngVLA Plains Subarray Addendum |
V. Rosero, J. Carilli, C. Carilli, B. Mason |
10/20/20 |
86 |
Imaging Evaluation of Two Mid Configurations |
C. L. Carilli, R. C. Walker, B. S. Mason, J. P. Carilli |
02/19/21 |
87 |
Accessing Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in 728 Globular Star Clusters in NGC4472 |
J. M. Wrobel, T. J. Maccarone, J. C. A. Miller-Jones, and K. E. Nyland |
05/04/21 |
88 |
Testing Photoevaporation and MHD Disk Wind Models Through Future High-Angular Resolution Radio Observations: the Case of TW Hydrae |
Luca Ricci, Sarah K. Harter, Barbara |
04/09/21 |
89 |
Image Fidelity Study of KSG 3 (NGA8): Imaging Molecular Gas in Nearby Galaxies Addendum |
Viviana Rosero, Eric F. Jiménez-Andrade |
06/24/21 |
90 |
Astrometric Constraints on a Massive Black Hole Binary in NGC4472 |
J. M. Wrobel, T. J. W. Lazio |
06/15/21 |
91 |
Status of the VLA CWVRs |
Bryan J. Butler |
07/19/21 |
92 |
Configuration: Reference Design Rev D Description |
C. Carilli, B. Mason, V. Rosero, B. Butler, J. Carilli, E. Murphy, R.C. Walker |
10/28/21 |
93 |
Reserved |
94 |
Reserved |
95 |
Evaluation of the Revision D array configuration for stellar imaging |
Catherine Petretti, Kazunori Akiyama, and Lynn D. Matthews |
10/04/21 |
96 |
ngVLA Antenna Noise Temperature Calculation |
Bryan J. Butler, Wes Grammer, Robert Lehmensiek |
10/18/21 |
97 |
A Suggested Final Configuration for the Very Large Array |
J. M. Wrobel, R. C. Walker |
05/13/22 |
98 |
Candidate Phase Calibrators at 93GHz in the ngVLA Sky |
J. M. Wrobel and A. Y. Q. Ho |
08/08/22 |
99 |
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence with the ngVLA |
C. Ng, L. Rizk, C. Mannion, E. F. Keane |
08/18/22 |
100 |
Configuration: Rev E Staggered Spiral Tests |
C. Carilli, V. Rosero, J. Carilli, B. Mason |
09/13/22 |
101 |
Mapping the Gas Density and Kinematic Structures due to Embedded Protoplanets in Young Disks with the Next Generation Very Large Array |
L. Ricci, B. Burrill, I. Rabago, Z. Zhu |
09/27/22 |
102 |
Enhanced Central Condensation Options for the Configuration of ngVLA MID |
R. Craig Walker |
10/04/22 |
103 |
Spectroscopy of High Redshift Galaxies with the ngVLA |
C.L. Carilli, Marcel Neeleman |
10/24/22 |
104 |
Rev E MID Tests: Sensitivity at 7mas Resolution |
C.L. Carilli |
11/10/22 |
105 |
Suggested Changes to ngVLA LONG |
R. Craig Walker |
11/21/22 |
106 |
ngVLA Imaging Science Performance Reference Document |
Viviana Rosero, Chris Carilli |
11/28/22 |
107 |
The Relationship Between Image Dynamic Range and Antenna-based Gain Errors |
T.K. Sridharan, Kumar Golap, Sanjay Bhatnagar & Steve Myers |
01/03/23 |
108 |
Feasibility of Self-cal for ngVLA Dynamic Range Requirements |
T. K. Sridharan & Sanjay Bhatnagar |
01/03/23 |
109 |
Updated RFI Impact Estimates & Influence on the System Design |
R. Selina, U. Rau, C. De Pree |
04/24/23 |
110 |
Implications for the ngVLA from VLBA Phase Stability at 43 GHz |
R. Craig Walker |
04/25/23 |
111 |
First characterization of MID locations in Northern Mexico |
Alfonso Trejo, Leslie Watson |
04/11/23 |
112 |
High Dynamic Range Imaging at 8 GHz at 1mas Resolution |
C.L. Carilli |
04/21/23 |
113 |
ngVLA Dynamic Range Requirements |
E.J. Murphy |
06/05/23 |
114 |
High Dynamic Range Imaging at 8 GHz with Spiral and Core, Including Phase Errors |
C. L. Carilli |
06/12/23 |
115 |
Environmental Monitoring Requirements for the ngVLA |
T. K. Sridharan, Jeff Mangum & Bryan Butler |
06/26/23 |
116 |
Imaging the Radio Recombination Lines from M15's Planetary Nebula K648 |
J. M. Wrobel, D. S. Balser, J. C. A. Miller-Jones |
09/19/23 |
117 |
The Portable Weather Station: 2022 Site Testing |
Justin Linford & Jon Cooper |
09/05/23 |
118 |
Imaging the ring and jet in M87 at 85 GHz with the ngEHT and ngEHT+ngVLA |
C.L. Carilli, R.C. Walker, E. Murphy, B. Mason |
09/22/23 |
119 |
Detrimental Emission Levels for Orbital RFI |
R. Selina, C. De Pree |
10/04/23 |
120 |
Multiple Absoprtion Sightlines Through a Dark Matter Halo |
J.M. Wrobel and F. Walter |
12/05/23 |
121 |
Subarray Study for the Envelope Observing Program |
Viviana Rosero & Brian Mason |
04/10/24 |
122 |
Characterization of the synthesized beam with and without MID antennas in Mexico |
Alfonso Trejo-Cruz, Roberto Galván-Madrid, Carlos Carrasco-González, Eric F. Jiménez-Andrade, Stan Kurtz, Jesús M. Jáquez-Domínguez, Alice Pasetto, Luis A. |
07/02/24 |
123 |
Candidate Phase Calibrators at 93GHz in the ngVLA Sky: Developments Since 2022 |
J. M. Wrobel, A. Y. Q. Ho, and D. W. Pesce |
06/03/24 |
124 |
Analysis of ngVLA Rev E Mid Sites Using GIS |
C. Price |
06/25/24 |
125 |
Key Science Goals For The Next Generation Very Large Array (NGVLA): Update From The NGVLA Science Advisory Council (2024) |
ngVLA Science Advisory Council |
08/23/24 |
126 |
VLA – ngVLA transition: Comparison of two representative fixed-mixed scale configurations to the current VLA |
C. L. Carilli |
08/17/24 |
127 |
A Comparison of the Imaging Capabilities of RevF and RevE ngVLA Configurations for Protoplanetary Disk Studies |
A. A. Papazyan, L. Ricci |
10/31/24 |
128 |
Going Big: Enhancing the Angular Resolution of ngVLA LONG |
R. Craig Walker |
01/06/25 |
129 |
Transitioning to Rev F: Site Development Considerations |
Crystal Price, William Hojnowski, Jon Cooper |
03/04/25 |